Dr Tony Ducker and his wife Roberta Ducker founded the Trust named after Dr Oliver Fisher in 1985. Since its inception the Trust has raised over two million pound which has been used to help support the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit. The fund has been used to purchase essential equipments on the unit namely ventilators, incubators, blood gas machine, ultrasound machine to scan babies brain and heart, bilirubin machine to measure the level of jaundice, infusion pumps and new computer based cot side terminals with patients monitoring system. The Trust also provides travel expenses to help parents, visit their babies on a daily bases.
Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust (Charity Number MB 292375) provided funding for the Kent Neonatal Transport ambulance and the cost of the Transport service office accommodation. In 2015 over £500,00 was funded to support the newly fitted High Dependency Unit and in 2016 the OFSCBT provided funding of over £300,000 for the total refurbishment of the Transitional Care Unit where the baby and mother are kept together while receiving neonatal and midwifery care in a dedicated area. It also supported the funding to refurbish the parents day room & the parents bedrooms on the unit and this gives them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their babies needs prior to taking their child home
The successful results of the unit are achieved because of the skilled and dedicated staff working with the latest and best equipment and it is with the support of the OFSCBT that this work continues and vital equipment can be added to the Unit. The OFSCBT has been able to provide the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit with the vital equipment to help look after the very small and very sick infants. More financial help is always needed to support the Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust and the Neonatal unit.
There are many different ways that you are able to donate to the Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust:
Our bank details are as follows:
Account Number: 51175815
Sort Code: 40-38-01
Account Name: The Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust
Please email us at oliverfishertrust@outlook.com after you have made your transfer.
To set up a direct debit you must complete and sign a direct debit mandate at your bank or building society.
To make a donation on the internet please visit our JustGiving page www.justgiving.com.
Create a page for a loved one and make a donation today at www.muchloved.com.
Increasingly popular is the idea of asking for donations to the Trust instead of having presents for a celebration. If you’re feeling adventurous; why not celebrate in a really unusual way?
Many people prefer to remember their loved ones by making a donation instead of sending flowers at a funeral, or leaving a legacy. Remembering a loved one in this way is a very special gift to give. As a lasting memory we are always happy to have a plaque made to go onto a piece of equipment your donation went towards.
Collection boxes are an easy and efficient way to help raise funds for The Oliver Fisher Special Baby Care Trust. Many people display boxes in their shops, offices, bars, reception areas etc. Collection boxes not only help to raise vital funds, they also act as a great way to bring awareness of the charity. When the boxes are full, our team of volunteers empty, clean and reseal them, so there is no work involved for the box holders.
We collected all kinds of foreign currency, old English currency plus old coins.
We do understand it is not always possible to give monetary donations, but a book of second class stamps would help with our day to day postage costs.
Gift Aid is a tax rebate scheme, operated by the Inland Revenue since April 2000. It enables us to reclaim the tax you have already paid on any donation you make to The Oliver Fisher Trust now or in the future.
Gift Aid is only available to donors who pay tax in the United Kingdom and you must give us permission to claim this money back on your behalf. Gift Aid costs you nothing but increases the value to us of any donation you make. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief you can ask your local tax off
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. We are very proud and Honoured to help raise funds for such a worthy charity.
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